When planning for college you must consider both direct and indirect costs to determine how much aid you might need. Direct costs include tuition & fees billed to your student account. Indirect costs include books, supplies, transportation, housing, meals, and miscellaneous personal expenses. The combination of your direct and indirect costs are commonly referred to as your estimated Cost of Attendance.
The following figures represent the estimated Cost of Attendance for two, full-time semesters during the 2023-2024 academic year at ÌÇÐÄVlog, and are only used for determining financial aid eligibility.
ÌýEstimate for two full-time semesters 2023-24 | Student CostsÌý |
ÌýTuition & Fees | Ìý$6,267 |
Books & Supplies | Ìý$1,460 |
Living Expenses (Food & Housing) | $13,554 |
Miscellaneous Personal Expenses | $2,430 |
Ìý°Õ°ù²¹²Ô²õ±è´Ç°ù³Ù²¹³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô | Ìý$1,870 |
ÌýTotal | Ìý$25,581 |
This does not mean every undergraduate student must pay $25,581 to attend ÌÇÐÄVlog. Indirect costs such as living and personal expenses can vary significantly based on individual circumstances. Estimated costs of living in ÌÇÐÄVlog County are obtained from the . Other estimated indirect costs are obtained from research conducted by .Ìý
TheÌýÌýis a tool for students and parents to use to get an estimate of what it may cost to attend ÌÇÐÄVlog. Here are a few things you should know about the Net Price Calculator:
The information you receive from the calculator is only an estimate of costs andÌý.
It is not a final determination of financial assistance or a final net price.
Financial aid awards are determined after a student has submitted aÌý (FAFSA).
The estimate assumes that you will be a degree seeking student enrolled full time in fall and spring semesters.
- and Pell grant eligibility for high school juniors and their families . The information provided is helpful in your planning and preparation for post-secondary education.
Monthly Budgeting in College
- Visit for tips on how to create and manage a budget while you are in college.
- Keep track of what you earn and what you spend. Create a monthly budget and track to see if it is accurate.
- Be aware of your buying habits. fulfill needs such as food, before wants such as the latest iphone. Skip purchasing some wanted items.
- Find ways to cut costs: use a bicycle, get a roommate, learn to cook and buy used books.
- Get organized: establish a monthly bill-payment routine and set up a filing system.
- Track your purchases with debit and credit cards through online banking and cut back on purchases if you have high expenses.
Credit Card Tips
- Keeping debt at bay is the #1 ingredient for financial success. Start now!
- Realize that the spending patterns you set today will have an impact on the rest of your life.
- Don’t have more than one.
- Read all the fine print of a credit card offer, including interest rate information and when the rate can increase, amount of late fees, over-the-limit fees, balance transfer fees, etc.
- It is good to use your credit card sparingly and better to use it only in an emergency.
- Try to pay off the entire balance each month to avoid unnecessary interest. Always pay more than the minimum due.
- Calculate the annual amount of interest you are paying; multiply the interest rate by the total balance owed.
- Avoid penalties and fees as they can add up quickly.
- Always keep your balance at least one-third below your credit limit in case of emergency.
Types of Debt
How you repay debt determines your credit rating, so knowing about the types of debt is important.
Installment loans are for big-ticket items such as cars or homes. Installment loans are paid in monthly fixed amounts and are normally secured (i.e. backed by something of value, such as a car). Payments should be manageable in your budget. Make payments on time as this will help improve your credit
Credit cards and department store cards are revolving credit lines. Credit cards are heavily marketed and the terms often look better than they really are: Proceed with caution! Credit cards have a monthly payment that varies based upon total amount owed. Poor handling of credit cards can quickly hurt your credit rating.
Student loans are unsecured installment loans. Explore all your financial aid options, focusing first on scholarships and grants that don’t have to be repaid. Borrow only the amount you need to get through college. You will be happy to have a lower student loan payment when you begin your career and want to buy a home and a car. Be realistic about what your salary will be after graduation and estimate the amount of debt you can afford. Ideally, student loan payments should be 10 percent or less of your net monthly income. Total debt, including your mortgage payment, should not exceed 36 percent of your gross income.
Your Credit Rating
A credit score is based on many types of information in a credit file. Lenders use a credit score to help determine whether a person qualifies for a credit card, loan, or service. Generally, the higher the score, the less risk the person represents.
A good credit history can mean lower interest rates, a job offer or a decent apartment.
A bad credit history will stay on your record for years and will make obtaining a mortgage or car loan very difficult.
Be aware of what’s in your credit report. You can get your credit report free once a year from .
Making student loan payments on time is often the first step in establishing a good credit history and will likely help you when applying for a car loan or home mortgage down the road.
Paying your rent, utility bills and credit card bills on time is important as they are also considered part of your credit history.
Your credit report includes your name, current and past addresses and employment, and all credit (debt) you have, including the current outstanding balance and whether you’ve ever been late for a payment. The report also lists any companies that have made credit inquiries.
Review all of the information on your credit report and challenge any information that you believe is inaccurate.